Adventure is out there, but love is obviously right here in this photoshoot.
Mom photographer Rachel Perman had no idea the fame she was in for when she decided to do something special for her children for their birthdays. Her “Up”-obsessed son Elijah, 5, only wanted one thing.
Elijah Perman/Rachel Perman Photography
Rachel stated on her Facebook post along with the magical photos, “I decided this year that I was going to do fun thematic photo sessions with each of my kids for their birthdays! The twins were up first! UP themed session for Elijah with his 90-yr-old great grandparents as Carl and Ellie, and a unicorn/princess session for my daughter Emilee! The magic is real with these!”
Elijah Perman with Richard and Caroline Bains/Rachel Perman Photography
And we can’t be more excited Rachel decided to share these with the world. Elijah, 5, who is absolutely obsessed with all things “Up,” was able to get his great-grandparents Richard, 90, and Caroline Bains, 89, in on the post that has now gone viral. With Elijah dressed as his hero Russell, and Richard and Caroline dressed as Carl and Ellie, the photos are even complete with props like a hose, glasses, badges, and balloons!
Elijah Perman and Richard Bains/Rachel Perman Photography
To view Rachel’s original post including all the original photos from that shoot, click here: Up-Inspired Photoshoot
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