We are “Eternally Grateful” for Build-A-Bear’s Newest Pixar Addition

Cassandra Workman

Build-A-Bear is famous for bringing some of our favorite Disney and Pixar friends to life; now, the Toy Story Alien has been chosen as the newest plush to join the collection.

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A fan favorite from the hit “Toy Story” franchise, the aliens were first introduced in the original film, at the Pizza Planet arcade. Since then, these adorable creatures have been in every “Toy Story” installment, stealing the hearts of viewers young and old. Now, the opportunity to have your own is finally here!

Photo of the Toy Story Alien Build-A-Bear, with its phrase box.
toy story alien build-a-bear

With its iconic Pizza Planet space suit as seen in the films, this cuddly creature is ready to make fans say “ooooh!”

This cute plush is a Build-A-Bear Online Exclusive that is available in a bundle for $40; this bundle includes the alien and a 5-in-1 phrase box, which can be played by touching the alien’s paw. Both the alien and phrases are also available for purchase separately.

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With this plush being only available online, purchasers have the option to deliver it stuffed or unstuffed; along with this, you can add a gift box or a cub condo for an extra cost. Shipping is also an additional charge and more information can be found here.

Like all Build-A-Bears, your alien will come with a birth certificate to prove that this far out friend is yours! Along with this, every bear also gets a heart; once added to your bag, be sure to click the heart to add a wish! This brings your alien to life and is a fun experience for your online purchase.

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If you are looking for more Disney Build-A-Bears, some old favorites have returned just in time for Halloween! This is the perfect opportunity to start or add to your growing collection.

These adorable aliens are being chosen quickly so be sure to adopt one soon!

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Born in Anaheim CA, I basically grew up at Disneyland and have been a long time annual pass holder for years; every birthday, accomplishment and milestone was celebrated in the parks, instilling magic into the most important moments of my life. Disney to me is an escape, a place to reconnect with the feeling of being a child, in a world where everything seems possible. Now living in Arizona, Disney may be far (and closed due to COVID-19) but it continues to inspire me and my writings. I eagerly await the day when I can walk down Mainstreet and become that child once more.
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