Guest Complains about Tower of Terror, Gets Perfect Reply

Tabitha Boothe

Guest complains about Tower of Terror and gets hilarious response. Disney does a great job of making sure their guests have an amazing time. Even if that means responding to them after they leave the parks.

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Disney is letting it’s hair down a bit, and showing quite the hilarious side of themselves. And after the past year we’ve all had, this is exactly what we need!

If you’ve ever been to Hollywood Studios at Disney World, you’ve seen the tattered and abandoned looking hotel. It sits at the end of Sunset Blvd. It’s downright eerie and spooky, as it should be.

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guest complains about

Well, one guest wanted to let Disney know about their dissatisfaction of the famed hotel. How Disney had really dropped the ball on giving this place some TLC. Reddit user DisneyFan4161 “complains” about the cobwebs, cracks, and of course- how the main elevator is out of service.

guest complains about

Guests Complaint


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I’m getting around to writing you folks about my last visit to Disney World. All in all it was a great vacation but I do have some concerns about one of your resort properties.

I had heard about this wonderful hotel built based on the heyday of Hollywood called the Hollywood Tower Hotel. My travel agent said I should drop in and stay at there for a bit.

When I arrived, bags in hand, based on the long line to enter the hotel, I thought I was in for a treat. However, as we walked in, I saw fountains over due for repair, cracks in the stone work and other signs of neglect.

Upon entering the lobby, I couldn’t believe my eyes! The place was filled with cob webs and dust. Where was the famed Disney house keeping? Surely, the lobby could use some TLC.

On my way to find my room in the tower, I discovered the main elevators were out of service. Absolutely disgraceful for a Disney property. I, along with the rest of my party, was ushered into the bowels of the building. It was dark, and noisy.

Guest Continues…

Finally, we got in the elevator. There were 20 of us packed in. In true Disney fashion, the elevator provided us with a show on the history of the hotel. But why would you show us the story about the disappearance of 5 previous guests?

Sadly, as we neared the top floors, the elevator went haywire. It randomly rose and dropped several times. Finally coming to rest near the bottom.

I rapidly left that elevator. I complained to a bell hop who said the elevator always does this. He suggested I stay at different Disney resort. Despite my concerns, I did check in at another resort which was in much better condition.

I’m sure the Hollywood Tower Hotel, has had its ups and downs over the years. But, Disney really should reevaluate allowing guests access to such a dirty, neglected and possibly dangerous Hollywood Tower Hotel.


PS. This is satire, I’ve sent to lighten your day for a change. Please feel free to share with your fellow cast members. Have a magical day!

Obviously, this is just a little fun hoping to brighten some cast members day. However, Disney decides to respond!

Disney’s Response

Dear Disneyfan,

Thank you for contacting us about your recent stay at the Hollywood Tower Hotel. 

I’m sorry to hear your visit had so many ups and downs. As one of our most infamous hotels, the bellhops really try to take our Guests into another dimension and I am disheartened to know that your visit had so many dips in regards to your expectations of what a Walt Disney World Resort should offer. The Hollywood Tower Hotel has been a star in its own right with a history that we are proud to share with Guests. It was a beacon for the show business elite, and we are striving to restore it it the glitz and the glamour it was previously known for. Please be assured that I have shared your concerns with with the hotel staff and permanent residents including our engineering teams who said they would take a look at both the regular and maintenance service elevators. 

I’m happy to hear you found another Resort with some vacancy so you could enjoy the rest of your stay in more modern accommodations.  The next time you check into a deserted hotel on the dark side of Hollywood, I hope your visit has less drops in service and that you are able to enjoy your visit to the Twilight Zone. 

Looking forward to your next drop in.

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I grew up on Disney and being from Arizona, I was able to go every summer with my family. My love of all things Disney has just grown over time and have now been instilled into my marriage and our three wonderful kids! We love Disney and go as often as we can.
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