A Couple Went as Beauty and the Beast for Halloween – And He Proposed

Just Disney

Are you ready to be their guest? An Arkansas couple went as Beauty and the Beast from Disney’s beloved classic for Halloween—but there’s a slight twist to this tale as old as time. The couple got engaged while in costume as Belle and the Beast, and the moment has since gone viral.

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The pair, Hope Hagerman and Kolby Davis, first met as high school students back in 2007, but their friendship didn’t evolve into romance until 2010. “We’ve been dating a little over 7 years now,” Hagerman tells The Knot. “We were best friends [first]… and I feel like that was the best thing for us.”

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For Halloween, Hagerman wanted to pay homage to her favorite childhood character especially with the recent theatrical release of Beauty and the Beast. “And I’m a Halloween enthusiast who’s always on the hunt for good costume ideas,” she says. “I thought it would be fun to be a princess for a night.”

Prior to the proposal, the couple had touched on the next steps in their relationship, but Hagerman didn’t expect Davis to pop the question on Halloween. “When I first mentioned it to Kolby, he wasn’t too excited about it,” she says. “But he started thinking about proposing that night, and quickly changed his mind.”

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The future bride, however, was clueless about the costume concept. “I was in total shock,” she says. “It was amazing.”

Now-viral images from this weekend show Davis on bended knee in his furry costume. Hagerman, a pediatric speech language pathologist, looks completely surprised while channeling Belle in her yellow gown.

“It’s absolutely crazy that we’ve gone viral,” she says. “I guess you just never think it’ll happen to you, but I love that people love his idea… He put so much thought into this to make it special for me. It’s been great.”

No plans have been made—just yet. “We’re beginning to throw around dates,” she says. “I feel like we might incorporate something from Beauty and the Beast…  It’s now a part of our story,  so we might give it a nod on our big day.”


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